Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) boasts a long history of treating various health problems by using acupuncture. Our practitioners at Ryo have extensive knowledge in Traditional Chinese Medicine as all of them come from a family with a rich TCM background. Your TCM practitioners will carefully assess your health and review your progress and tailor the treatments to suit your needs.
We understand that acupuncture can be quite scary for some people. At Ryo, we are famous for our Soft-Touch Needle Technique among our patients. This allows ICBC patients who need long-term treatments, as well as those who are completely new to acupuncture, to feel as comfortable as possible.
Depending on your health concerns, we may add other acupuncture-related techniques such as:
- Cupping Therapy: This therapy has a deep-tissue massage effect as it helps loosen the fascia and the connective It also increases the blood flow to the area to help with pain and inflammation as it stimulates healing.
- Dry Cupping: The cupping cups are attached to the treatment area without drawing blood. This technique is used to treat mild sprains or inflammation.
- Wet Cupping: This is a non-surgical method that removes the cause of pain by drawing blood directly from the affected area using the cupping cups. This technique is used to treat severe sprain or inflammation.
- Moxibustion: This is a heat therapy using a moxa made of healing herbs. Moxa will be burned on or very near the target acupuncture points or body’s meridian to improve flow of Qi in your body. It is a very useful technique effective for patients with cold constitutions suffering from arthritis pain or digestive troubles.
- Myofascial Trigger Point Release: Acupuncture needles are placed in “trigger points” which are the areas of knotted or hard muscle. This technique (also called ‘dry needling’) is famous for providing relief for muscular pain and stiffness and is a popular treatment among athletes.
- Electro-acupuncture: A small electric current is passed between pairs of acupuncture needles to stimulate specific target area. This type of acupuncture warms your muscles and helps disperse blockages in your body. It is commonly used for neurological diseases, chronic pain and muscle spasms.
*Most extended health insurance plans in Canada cover acupuncture treatments. Please contact your insurance company to determine if you are covered.
**ICBC acupuncture treatment fees are completely covered by the ICBC.