Based on our rich and extensive knowledge of herbal medicine which has been passed down for three family generations, we offer individualized counseling to assess your unique health condition and to give you your tailor-made herbal medicine that remedies your health concerns.

With our in-house made, individually-formulated herbal decoctions, we are helping our patients to maintain their health and wellbeing in two ways.

One, by treating current ailments with healing herbs and strengthening your body to help prevent the ailments from re-occurring.

Two, by preparing and strengthening your body to minimize the risks of developing health problems well before they arise. If you have a concerning family medical history and you wish to minimize your risk of getting that condition yourself in the future, please book a herbal medicine counseling session at Ryo for preventative care.



Gong Jin Dan (공진단) is a traditional medicinal formula that is highly regarded for its exceptional medicinal effects. This formula is recorded to have been presented to Chinese Emperors for its effectiveness and rarity, hence the name, ‘the Emperor’s Tonics.’ In ancient medical literature, Gong Jin Dan is introduced as ‘one of the highest-quality formulas that helps men live a long life without ailments protecting the liver and kidney energy.’

“If a man is sickly even after growing up, he is constitutionally weak. In such a case, body fluids should be increased but body heat should be cooled down. Other medicines are inefficacious against it, but this medicine is effective to harmonize internal organs with each other and to prevent various diseases.”

– Dongui Bogam (동의보감, 東醫寶鑑) written by an ancient royal physician


Healthy aging is important for all of us. This herbal medicine will help the elderly manage sleep problems, weakness, fatigue, depression, weight loss, lack of appetite, diarrhea/constipation, bone health and more!


Prevention of bell’s palsy and stroke becomes extremely important if you are in your 50s to 80s and especially during the change of season. This herbal medicine is an excellent preventative care for this specific age group.


Your weak immune system can, over time, make you more vulnerable to illnesses from colds and flu to chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. If you are constantly catching colds or have a cold that won’t go away, that is a sign that this herbal medicine may be the right tonic for you.


Menopause is an important life transition that opens the second big chapter of women’s life. Herbal medicine supports this transition smoothly and naturally re-balancing the body’s inner harmony.


Herbal medicine does not treat “excess weight” per se. It rather deals with the underlying body condition that may have led to this excess weight. Once your body’s balance is restored, your metabolism will process food properly and excess weight should no longer be a problem provided correct foods are eaten in moderate quantities.


This is a powerful formula that enhances stamina in men. This herbal medicine greatly helps treat erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, urinary incontinence, fatigue, poor memory and so on. Our formula has also helped couples conceive healthy children by supporting healthy sperm production.


This herbal medicine helps children grow taller by stimulating kidney yin and yang energy. If your child is experiencing physical puberty delay or has a limited growth expectancy due to the family’s short stature, this tonic may be the right choice for your child!


A child who doesn’t have an appetite. A child who only likes sweet things. A child who is a picky eater. The characteristic of these children is that they are not hungry and do not think about eating. In the oriental medicine perspective, this is the cause of being full due to ‘dampness’ in the stomach. This tonic will help improve picky eating habits by drying dampness in the stomach.


Do you suffer from brain fog or find it difficult to focus and concentrate? Are you tired and exhausted all the time? This herbal medicine will replenish and nourish your body and can help improve focus and memory. Successful management of fatigue will enhance the quality of your life and help you succeed!