Pain. It’s something most of us experience from time to time. Pain comes in all shapes and sizes. Some pain can be merely annoying, and some pain can be debilitating. In the end, however long you’ve had it, pain can significantly affect your quality of life, particularly when it’s chronic. However, not all pain is bad. Pain is an important signal that something is wrong in our bodies, and this can serve as a valuable hint about the cause.

If you have been experiencing pain for some time and yet, all tests come back as ‘normal’, it may be time for you to seek naturopathic help. Naturopathic medicine can assess your pain before they show up on tests. This is the area where naturopathy really shines as it can serve as an effective preventative medicine before the source of your pain damages your body enough to finally be observed on your tests. Our naturopathic doctor will provide you with an alternative treatment to the conventional solution of strong, pharmaceutical medicines by looking into a safer and more sustainable way to manage and treat your pain.

Some Commonly Treated Conditions:

  • Acute burns
  • Acute bell’s palsy
  • Arthritis
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Post-surgery pain management
  • Neuralgia
  • Motor vehicle accident (ICBC) injury
  • MSK pain
    • Frozen shoulder
    • Neck, shoulder, low back pain
    • Sciatica
  • Sports injury
    • Sprain and strains
    • Slow recovery speed
    • Tennis elbow & Golfer’s elbow